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All the Campaign Promises Donald Trump Has Broken in the Last 24 Hours

November 23, 2016

[Photo: by tiburi / Pixabay]


On Tuesday, after much negotiation and drama over how the meeting would take place, Donald Trump sat down with a handful of NYTimes journalists and editors to take their questions about his upcoming presidency. As they spoke, Trump proceeded to nonchalantly walk back several major promises he made during the campaign, prompting spittle-flecked headlines on Breitbart like “BROKEN PROMISES” and outrage from all corners of Trump’s Internet.


Few should be surprised that Trump, a political chameleon who was a registered Democrat in NYC before he crisscrossed America’s heartland in his Boeing 757 as a born again Republican, flip-flopping on issues ranging from the Iraq War to abortion as he went, may now be abandoning - or at least softening - some of his most extreme positions.


The Muslim ban? It may or may not be happening. The Wall? A great “campaign device.” Obamacare, too, might not be so bad, Trump has said, as long as he can keep just the popular parts. Then again, it may be just as likely that Trump keeps his promises, depending on who has his ear and whatever he is feeling on any given subject at any given time.


For now, here are Trump’s biggest broken promises from his big New York Times sit-down:


  • He Won’t Pursue a Clinton Indictment
  • Trump Admits Waterboarding Might Be Bad, Maybe
  • Trump Admits Climate Change Might Be Man-Made, Maybe
  • Trump Acknowledges the Existence of the First Amendment, Sort of
  • The New York Times Is O.K., For Now